Friday, January 20, 2006

Drug Dealer Death Match

So, in my very first blog posting I promised details about the prominent characters figuring in the Drug Dealer Death Match playing out in the piney woods of East Texas, in a little county called Panola... I think when we last checked in on our cast of shady characters, the word of the day was Arson.

Well since that posting, sordid details of bribes and broads, land disputes and narcotics, and sheriffs and K-9 units abound!

Let us first take some time to re-acquaint ourselves with the shameful stars of this saga.

DD1 - aka Drug Dealer #1. Just for fun, let's pretend he's this guy. He's not that guy and he doesn't really resemble that guy, but they have a thing or two in common and, anyway, it gives us a face to hate. :) Anyway, he's number one only in his own Napolean Complex-afflicted mind. He is, shall we say, rotund. And vertically challenged. And diabolical. And as dumb as a box of rocks.

DD2 - aka Drug Dealer #2 aka The Peach. I really can't say he's a drug dealer, but I will anyway. If you don't believe me, ask any cop within a 50 mile radius of Panola County.

Trailerpark - aka Pocahontas; dates DD2 and is "adopted" daughter of Big Chief. So, theoretically, my sister.

Big Chief, aka my stoopid-ass-ruining-his-life, make-my-therapist-rich dad. Took Trailerpark in when she was 15 - seems she was knocked up and her mama said, Out Out Damn Spot.

Little Chief, the dirty-legged ho who runs the show at Big Chief's ranch. Also, the recently repatriated baby sister of Trailerpark. Not otherwise related to Big Chief or Yours Truly.

If I had any expertise in photoshop, I would prepare a nice graphic. But I don't. So quit your bitchin' and study up.


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