Saturday, January 28, 2006

Despair and Loathing in Panola County

So, my fruitless foray into the piney woods of East Texas... What can I say? It was all true, everything that Trailerpark had been telling me. Big Chief is desperately in love with Little Chief, is in a constant state of drug-induced psychosis, and has lost all sight of reason.

He is prepared to deed Little Chief some of our family farm. He bought her a vehicle. He has been spending his retirement (taking early distributions) to pay for whatever else her highness might desire. He has permitted her to turn my grandmother's home into a meth lab.

Meanwhile, in his own world, he moved out of his house because he believes it to be haunted; he hasn’t worked in more than a year; he hasn’t filed his federal income tax returns for the past two years; he hasn’t paid the property taxes on the family farm; he has lost more than 100 pounds; he limps around on an undiagnosed swollen knee; he is confused and paranoid; he is fragile and painfully sad.

Oh, and...

Today would have been my grandmother's, his mother's, 88th birthday. If that house truly is haunted, then it is most assuredly haunted by her discontented and restless soul, fearful for the fate of her only son.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm The White Rabbit

6:05 PM  

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