Sunday, September 03, 2006


So, many of you know that I am in North Carolina hanging out with some really cool wake board friends.

I have learned many new skills here and I am VERY excited about it.

Skill #1: Surface 180

Skill #2: Ollie, but they call it a 'bunny hop' in these written instructions.

Basically, an ollie is such a lame trick that there really isn't anyone shooting video of themselves doing it.

Except maybe me.

Here's a shot of one of my lame ollies:

Skill #3: Aqua Dump. No video for this one. Use your imagination.



Blogger thesunwolf said...

1) I was born in NC. Bring me back a "Native Tarheel" T-Shirt, will ya.

2) I want some cool wakeboard friends

3) Uhm, you learned the aqua dump? Did you practice?

5:51 AM  

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