Saturday, July 22, 2006

Mood Altering

I am an addict through and through. An addict absolutely cannot stand to feel emotional pain. I’m in pain today. So, let’s examine my thoughts, shall we?

Well, I definitely thought about having a drink. In fact, I’m having a hard time NOT thinking about having a drink right now. Each time my roomie goes into the kitchen and opens the specially-designated-for-alcohol fridge (not to be confused with the regular fridge, where we just keep our food), I listen for the “Pfhshhht” of her beer bottle opening. Then I think about it some more.

But I haven’t had a drink.

I thought about pills, for sure. My head says, “Man, if there was ever a time in your life when you deserved a Valium, it is RIGHT NOW.”

But I don’t listen to me. And I don’t have any Valium anyway.

But get this: I thought about sticking my finger down my throat to make myself vomit. Just to break through the pain somehow.

What IS THAT?? Who would think to do something like that???

I did it once, you know. When I was in rehab and I was really hurting. I was wild-eyed with pain, desperation, and fear. And it was all that I could think of to do. It was like an instinct. A sort of last resort. And it worked. For a minute. But then it made me really scared about what I was getting myself into. I haven’t done it again. And I hadn’t thought about it either.

Until tonight.

What is so wrong with me that my instinct drives me to try to gag myself in response to emotional pain? Why can’t I just cry like everyone else?

I guess if I were like everybody else, I’d be able to take a Valium right now without opening Pandora’s Box.

Or, maybe, if I were like everybody else, it wouldn’t occur to me to take a Valium at all.

What do I know about being like everybody else?



Blogger hotpinksox said...

I'm glad you stayed sober, I like you much better that way.

And no purposeful puking either, didn't you see that after school special?

8:21 AM  
Blogger thesunwolf said...

Yeah, I gotta agree with that. Maybe I'm a hopeless romantic, but I think all this suffering is leading somewhere. If not, I'm in deep s#! myself.

7:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally feel for you regarding the crying situation. The only time I'm able to cry is during some sappy movie. Even then I'm crying over someone elses pain rather than my own. When I'm in pain I get angry, numb, or worry myself sick. Sometimes I wish I could just break down & cry like normal people. Don't feel alone.

5:42 AM  

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