Monday, August 21, 2006

Tidbits from My Country Cousin Weekend

Okay. So, as I've said, my dad is living in Purgatory with "friends of the family," while I get things ready for us here. These Friends of the Family are, in fact, (hold on to your seat): related to Trailerpark and Little Chief (see previous postings for more background).

So, anyway, the Friends of the Family with whom he is staying are interesting in and of themselves. Allow me introduce:

F.o.F. Husband: His notable quote of the weekend pertained to his desire to “go to the dentist this hitch.” (NB: a “hitch” in this context refers to the one week spent at home between two-week stints on an offshore drilling rig). When I inquired further, I learned he wanted to go to Mexico to get his remaining teeth extracted.

Apparently, it is well-known in certain circles that one can go to Mexico for low-cost tooth extractions…

F.o.F. Wife: We went to the auto parts store to buy a new battery for my car (another long story). She bought some GoJo and some shop towels. She then proceeded to apply it liberally, IN THE PARKING LOT, to her arms and hands, explaining that she “ain’t got all the oil off since ma’ last shift.”

I would point out here that her last shift at the refinery was three days prior.

I’ll update later with more on the prodigious children and dogs.


Blogger thesunwolf said...

As I was reading this I became briefly nastalgic for my two-year stint in Arkansas.

The nastalga lasted exactly two on-hundreths of a second.

5:25 AM  

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